There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 17 1/2

Date: 09/01      
Noon to noon run: 159NM
Time of position: 4PM (HST)
Lat/Lon: 47 25.46'N  139 32.34'W
Course: 060 deg Mag
Current Speed: 7kt
Next Waypoint: 48.00N; 135.00W
             186NM distance


The low passed last night and all remained fine onboard Music. The skies are still gray and temperature cold, but we are scooting right along, the seas very raucous with some truly big rollers frequently coming through from the northwest. The good news is that just after coming off watch at 3pm I saw that we broke the 600 mile mark to Cape Flattery and we are less than 200NM to our next waypoint at 135W.

Cheers, John

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