There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mr Toad's Wild Ride

This will probably be a lag of a few days until the next blog posting. The wives are heading to Hawaii this morning (Saturday) and we expect Music to finish on Sunday. Here's the latest from Music.
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:18 AM

Hi everyone,
Well, were coming down to the wire. We just passed our 300 miles to go mark. time right now is 11:30pm, or 23:30. Bob, Lesley and Gord are on watch, we have our 1.5 oz reaching spinnaker up, and I am at the nav computer. We just finished making about 25 gallons of water. Late afternoon, the head tore out of our 1.5 Oz running spinnaker so after retrieving the halyard, I got things sorted out for the repair and handed them off to Gord, who at watch change this evening, handed them off to George who finished the repair about 10 PM.

The skies look like we are potentially in for a wild night of squalls! As I write this I can feel the hull speed increase and boat motion pick up signaling the beginning of a another 20 minute "Mister Toad's Wild Ride". But then, that's why we came! You just don't get to drive like this on San Francisco Bay!

Tomorrow's dinner may be the last of the race. If we can manage about 200 miles by this time tomorrow night, we may just arrive at the finish about daybreak Sunday morning. - Admittedly, optimistic, but theoretically possible.
Well, I have to get on deck as things are really heating up now. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to post this in a couple of hours.

Thanks for all of the support, thoughts, prayers, wishes, and love,

Skipper John


Anonymous said...

Just dropped Kim off at the airport. Wish I were going with her! Can't wait to "follow" your finish!

Anonymous said...

Hi great race too bad its almost over. I will miss the blogs and watching where you are at. Looking forward to seeing pictures.
John let me know when you and Gail get home.....Wyoming Karen

james and penelope said...

So sorry the race is almost over. Sounds like you've all had a marvelous time. I'm with you totally in spirit! ... Jim

Anonymous said...

What an excellent trip! I bet spotting land on the horizon will be a thrill too! You are arriving so much sooner than we anticipated, congratulations!
Love and good sailing,
Richard, Robin and Dawson Bean

Anonymous said...

John, a warm Aloha to you and your crew. Was hoping to be there to welcome you but it didn't work out. Watching your progress, exciting race. Congrats on what you've achieved!-cuz'n sandi

Anonymous said...

Great following your progress. Great blog site.
Penny McCullagh