There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Almost There

John and crew should be arriving at Hiva Oa Thursday morning.  Wow, what a trip.

Date: 04/03
Noon to noon run: 145 NM
Time of position: 16:00
Lat/Lon: 07 deg 25.06'S; 135 deg 41.75'W
Course: 220 deg Mag
Next Waypoint:  East end of Hiva Oa: 230 NM distance
                09 deg 45.03S; 138 deg 45.65W
For once the grib file I downloaded had both wind direction and velocity accurate. The bad news is that 5Kt of wind is only 5Kt of wind. Plus, put that off the port stern quarter and with white sails only flying, you end up with the boat going VERY slow, and a lot of slatting. But, it seems we have about 1.5 to 2kt of push from the current and that certainly has been helping our boat speed. Without that current boat speed would be painfully slow. The swell passing under our keel is gentle, long and rolling. With the incredible beauty out here, the sun, and the shades of blue on blue, blue sky, blue horizon, and cobalt blue ocean time seems to warp and slow. It may be hot and humid, but it is also incredibly peaceful. But enough is enough and at 15:21 with a speed through the water (STW) of zero, crew consensus obtained, we started the iron genoa, otherwise known as the engine.

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