There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Date: 04/02      
Noon to noon run: 176 NM
Time of position: 18:00
Lat/Lon: 06 deg 05.67'S; 134 deg 09.09'W
Course: 220 deg Mag
Next Waypoint:    East end of Hiva Oa: 352 MN distance
                  09 deg 45.03S; 138 deg 45.65W

The winds started going quiet last night about 11:00, but still gave us some push before going really light in the early predawn hours. Today has been quiet, nice breeze, no chop, and low swell. Quite a difference from our sleigh ride of yesterday. Unless the breeze picks up a bit, don't look for much distance covered on our 24 hour run tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Maybe with the light breeze you can catch some are almost there...soon you will smell the land!