There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Trip End Report

Date: 04/06      
Noon to noon run: 0.0 NM
Time of position: 13:00 Hiva Oa Time on friday 04/06
Lat/Lon: 09 deg 48.204'S; 139 deg 01.917'W
Course: N/A
Next Waypoint:    Bed / Bunk

Our initial planned route (Nuevo Vallarta substituted for Cabo Corrientes) to waypoint 06N 126W, then due south to ooN 126W, then HIva Oa : 2831NM

Revised Route (cutting short the waypoint 06N 126W to cut through the ITCZ: 2729.58
Actual Distance Sailed: 2795.58

Fuel: 110 Gallons Diesel (70 in tank; 40 in jerry jugs) Motoring allowance: 2 Days at the beginning to get to wind; 2 days to get thru ITCZ

Actual Motor useage:
      Approximate 48 hours motor sail at the beginning
      2 Hr early mid trip to charge batteries on our slowest day
      4 Hr for water making near equator
      Approximate 20 Hr the last 2 days at 2000 RPM
Total Fuel Consumption: 57 Gallons
Remaining Fuel at end of trip: 53 Gallons

Trip End Synopsis:
We anchored and checked into French Polynesia at Atuona, Hiva Oa through our yacht customs broker. She picked up up at the dock and drove us into town to the Gandarmerie (sp?). Then we picked up some local currency at the bank ATM, hit a store, and then restaurant for lunch. Lunch, consisting of 2 beers, 1 lemonade, and one each fish salad, fried chicken leg, and tuna carpaccio (mine) total cost was 4,500 FP Francs (our estimate was about $45 US, using a loose conversion of 100 FP Franc to the US dollar).

After that we walked the approximate 1.5 miles back to our dingy dock and returned to Music where we immediately put up all of the serious shade covers we have. It is both HOT & HUMID here. Then we enjoyed a quiet afternoon, made dinner, and retired for a long sleep.

A note on the local time zone: Time here seems to be about 3.5 hours earlier than PV, Mexico. Or about a half hour earlier than Tahiti.

Today Bob and John headed back to the market to p/u  some other necessities while I stayed onboard, checked engine fluids, and restowed equipment, converting Music back from passage making mode to cruising mode.

Cheers, John

1 comment:

Richard said...


Great trip and you did a good voyage. Congratulations to you three and you are waiting for Gail to arrive soon!!

Keep up the web as we check it every day.

Fair Winds
Anne and Dick
"Full & By"