There are good ships and wood ships
And ships that sail the seas
But the best ships are the friendships
And may they ever be...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 15

It looks like they have less than a week to go which means their trip took right about 21 days.

Date: 03/31      

Noon to noon run: 150 NM
Time of position: 21:00
Lat/Lon: 02 deg 45.30'S; 130 deg 04.45'W
Course: 220 deg Mag
Next Waypoint:    East end of Hiva Oa: 668 NM distance
                  09 deg 45.03S; 138 deg 45.65W

A Bobby bird landed on our bow pulpit yesterday evening shortly before sunset, and stayed all night.  By the time it flew off this morning we had bird poop all over the stem fitting and anchor locker.

This evening, shortly before sunset a large pod of dolphins came to play in our bow wake for about 20 minutes, then were gone as quickly as they came.

The wind built to a steady 15kt today and at this moment shows no sign of weakening. The grib file forecasts a 1008 MB low passing directly over Music tomorrow morning, but we'll be fine. Given our history of the grib files being wrong in this area the low may not even happen.

On a down note - John D was dipping the collapsible bucket from the bow and the handle came off - so the bucket and handle should just about be settling on the bottom about now. It was great for our showers, I'm going to miss it.

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